Monday, July 28, 2008


-Favored by those who support the qualitative method

-Observation of behavior of a group

-ranges from caves dropping to participating in the activities of the people involved

Ø Overt observation

- The people being researched are aware of the researcher’s presence

- Researchers can decide whether to participate in the group’s activities or not to participate

Advantages of Overt Observation:

- not required to participate in illegal activities to participate in illegal activities.

- fewer ethical problems.

- easier to maintain role.


-people being research do not act naturally.

-Researcher not gain a true comprehension of the group’s behavior.

Ø Covert observation

- Researcher hides their true identity where those being studied do not know that they are being observe.


-Subjects can behave naturally.

-secrecy also allows researchers to participate I groups that would normally denied entrance that they know the researcher’s true intent.


-Researchers might find theirselves participating in illegal activities in order not to blow their cover. They might be placed in dangerous situation.

-Researcher might find it difficult to maintain objectivity if he/she becomes so much a part of the group. i.e. going native.


Jason Ditton (1977) on thefts by bread van salesmen.

Nigel Fielding(1993) on the National Front(racist political party)

James Patrick(1973)-Glasgow gangs

William Chambliss(1978)-organized crime in seattle

Ken Pryee(1979)-West Indian life in Bristol

Elliot Lichow(1967)-black ‘street-corner men’

Just remember James Bond-007 if we are talking about covert observation.